Serving Opportunities
Serving Opportunities
At Mosaic Bible Fellowship, we believe that serving is a vital part of living out our faith and building a strong community. Whether you are passionate about helping others, sharing your talents, or simply lending a hand, there is a place for you to make an impact. From outreach programs to behind-the-scenes support, every role plays a crucial part in furthering our mission. Explore our serving opportunities and find where God is calling you to serve today!
Purpose: Welcome visitors and ensure all have a sense of belonging to the Mosaic Family.
Responsibilities: Assist visitors with location of restrooms, and ministries such as Mokids and new members classes. Collect visitor cards and turn in to team director.
Team Roles: Team Director, Door Greeter.
Contact: Naite Carter
Purpose: To help young children and teenagers grow in their understanding of the gospel. This happens through loving and caring relationships with adults and peers, Bible teaching and FUN!
Responsibilities: Teach or assist in teaching curriculum one - two lessons /month.
Team Roles: Teacher, Assistant Teacher, Student Check-in Crew
Contact: Felicia McDaniels
Purpose: Provides the technical support required for worship services, also records various events, teachings and sermons which are made for viewing at our website and online streaming.
Responsibilities: Engineer sound through the sound board and other sound making equipment. Display graphics which support worship and teaching ministry. Stream Worship services through video equipment to promote the ministry online for public consumption online via youtube, facebook and or other platforms. Create weekly announcements and prayer requests on Mosaic Facebook page and Mosaic website.
Team Roles: SoundBoard Tech, Computer Graphic Tech, PowerPoint
Contact: Emily Stallings
Purpose: Lead praise and worship and engage others, both believers and seekers into worship. Bring hope to the hopeless, salvation to the unsaved, restoration to the broken hearted and edification to the saved through praise and worship songs and gospel music.
Responsibilities: Music selection for Sunday worship based on sermons and teachings. Create special musical presentations in coordination with preaching and special holiday presentations.
Team Roles: Worship Team Leader, Worship Team Member
Contact: Debra Lee
Purpose: Outreach ministry providing transportation to Sunday services and other Mosaic directed activities.
Responsibilites: Drive members and or visitors to and from worship service. Obtain a weekly pickup list from the transportation coordinator and plan the most effective pick up route for Sunday service and or special events. Maintain fuel and regular maintenance.
Must maintain a safe driving record and CDL. Must be able to be insured by the Church insurance policy.
Team Roles: Driver, Assistant Driver.
Contact: Gaylord Mustin
Purpose: Outreach ministry providing transportation to Sunday services.
Responsibilities: Must communicate in a timely fashion to the bus ministry driver or assistant. Responsible for obtaining address and contact information for people who want a ride to and from Mosaic and other approved special events. Call and or email the list of all passenger information to the bus driver.
Team Roles: Transportation Coordinator, Assistant
Contact: Gaylord Mustin
Purpose: Produce the best possible atmosphere for worship and support the needs of the musicians including the praise and worship team.
Responsibilities: Setup and breakdown stage for musicians; praise and worship team. Help perform sound checks with the sound tech
Team Roles: Setup Team 7:30am-8:00AM / Break Down Team 11:15 am- Noon
Contact: Michael Randle
Purpose: To achieve satisfaction in knowing that through the proper care of the church/school facility, you are serving the Lord; to help give a positive first and lasting impression of the church/school and assist the various ministry areas in performing their ministry effectively, efficiently and safely.
Responsibilities: Clean all public-facing areas of the church/school building including the auditorium, bathrooms, meeting areas and storage areas.
Team Roles: Janitorial Team
Contact: Emily Stallings
Purpose: To orient new members to the vision and purpose of Mosaic Bible Fellowship
Responsibilities: Teach new members curriculum and church constitution. Present new members to the congregation with certificates of completion. Submit class dates and times to the church secretary for announcements and website updates.
Team Roles: Instructor, Assistant
Contact: Pastor Gary Young
Purpose: To gather the women of the church together for the purpose of fun and fellowship and practical service at Mosaic and in the community.
Responsibilities: Coordinate activities for the women and provide advertisement details to communicate date, time and location of all activities.
Team Roles: Women’s Fellowship Coordinator, Assistant
Contact: Rebecca Lawrence
Purpose: To gather the men of Mosaic together for the purpose of fun activities and fellowship. To look for practical service opportunities both inside and outside of Mosaic
Responsibilities: Contact, call, and coordinate the men for fellowship and for practical service opportunities.
Team Roles: Men’s Fellowship Coordinator
Contact: Dr. Anthony Baker
Purpose: To enhance fellowship and provide information for members and visitors.
Responsibilities: Provide coffee, water, snacks and sign up info for various activities and ministry opportunities for members and visitors.
Team Roles: Cafe Team Member
Contact: Gabrielle Young
Purpose: To provide food and clothing assistance, cards, flowers, etc to individuals and families in need.
Responsibilities: Connect with members who are in need of assistance and help to facilitate the fulfillment of those particular needs according to MBF policy.
Team Roles: Comfort & Care Team
Contact: Jeannie Tucker
Purpose: To create and maintain an updated website and social media platform for MBF
Responsibilities: Coordinate with ministries of Mosaic and ensure accurate and up to date information is communicated on the website, facebook and other social media platforms.
Team Roles: Social Media Team
Contact: Constance Randle
Purpose: To welcome the online community attenders in the chat, answering questions, sharing helpful links and resources and praying for people through one-on-one prayer.
Responsibilities: Welcome, discuss, and pray with each new guest into the Sunday online service. Direct them to online visitors, prayer cards, and giving platforms. Display sermon outlines and speaker info to help orient the online audience to the worship experience.
Team Roles: Online Hosts Manager, Online Hosts
Contact: Doris Reed
Purpose: To coordinate with our bank and bookkeeper (Belay) in making all financial transactions and businesses of the church.
Responsibilities: To help each Ministry develop and manage its budget and submit receipts for accounting measures. To make weekly deposits of offerings and donations to the bank. To help manage overall budgets and submit financial information to the church for annual business meetings and presentations.
Team Roles: Finance Team
Contact: Emily Stallings